Tương lai gần (be going to)


BE GOING TO + V-nguyên thể


+ Be going to : dùng để diễn tả một dự định trong tương lai gần.

  1. Khẳng định:

S + Am/Is/Are + Going TO + V-nguyên thể.

Eg: I AM “going to” BUY a new car

tôi dự định sẽ mua chiếc xe hơi mới.


  1. Phủ định:

S + Am/Is/Are  + Not + Going TO + V-nguyên thể.

Eg: You win. I AM not “going to” ARGUE with you anymore.

Anh đúng. Tôi không tranh luận với anh nữa.


  1. Nghi vấn:

Am/Is/Are   + S + Going TO + V-nguyên thể ?

Eg: What IS he “going to” DO?

Anh ấy định làm gì?


  • Chúng ta dùng WAS/WERE going to V-nguyên thể : để diễn tả về một ý định làm việc gì đó nhưng đã không làm.

Eg: We WERE “going to” HAVE a picnic Saturday, actually, but… we changed our minds.

Thực ra, bọn tớ định đi picnic hôm thứ bảy, nhưng cuối cùng bọn tớ đổi ý.



  1. What is going to happen in these situations. Use the words in parentheses:


  1. There are masses of dark clouds in the sky .(rain) It ……..


  1. I am very tired so I (stay) …………….. at home.

=>I AM GOING TO STAY at home

  1. How pale that girl is! I am sure she (faint) ……… .

=> I am sure she IS GOING TO FAINT.

  1. What is strange noise? ( break down) The lift ……….


  1. Listen to the wind. We ( have )…….. a rough crossing.

=>We ARE GOING TO HAVE a a rough crossing;


  1. Complete the sentences with WAS/WERE GOING TO + one of these word:


  1. I …….. you when you interrupted.

=>I  WAS GOING TO TELL  you when you interrupted.

  1. We ………..by train but then we decided to go by car instead.

=>We WERE GOING TO TRAVEL by train but then we decided to go by car instead.

  1. He …………. but then he let it go.

=> He WAS GOING TO ARGUE, but then he let it go.


  1. I ……………. Have a picnic but it rained heavily.
  2. => I WAS GOING TO HAVE a picnic but it rained heavily.


  1. I …………..that, but you took the words right out of my mouth.

Tôi đang định nói/đề cập việc đó thì anh đã nói đúng những điều đó rồi. 

=> I WAS GOING TO MENTION that, but you took the words right out of my mouth.


  1. Write a question with “ going to” for each situation :
  2. Your friend has won some money, You aks:

( What/ do with it  ?) =>What are you going to do with it?


  1. Your friend will have a week-long holiday next month. You aks:

(Where/ travel?) => ………………..

Where are you going to travel ?

  1. Your friend will return to visit her parents and siblings. You aks:

( How long/ stay ) =>………………….

How long ARE You going to stay at your home?

  1. Your friend has just bought a new house . You aks:

( When/ move there) => ………….

                   When are you going to move there?

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