Phụ âm /ʃ/ (Consonant /ʃ/ )

1. Cash /kæʃ/ 
2. Fish /fɪʃ/ 

3. Wash /wɒʃ/ 
4. She /ʃiː/ 
5. Shoe /ʃuː/ 

- Will you pay by credit card or in cash?
- I don't like fish.
- How often do you wash your hair?
- She's so clever.
- What's your shoe size? 

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1. Cash /kæʃ/ 
2. Fish /fɪʃ/ 

3. Wash /wɒʃ/ 
4. She /ʃiː/ 
5. Shoe /ʃuː/ 

- Will you pay by credit card or in cash?
- I don't like fish.
- How often do you wash your hair?
- She's so clever.
- What's your shoe size? 

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Phụ âm /ʒ/ (Consonant /ʒ/)

1. Television /ˈtelɪvɪʒən/ 
2. Pleasure /ˈpleʒə(r)/ 

3. Conclusion /kənˈkluːʒn/
4. Massage /məˈsɑːʒ/ 
5. Usual /ˈjuːʒuəl/ 

- Is there anything good on television tonight?
- It's a pleasure to meet you.
- In conclusion, I would like to thank our guest speaker.
- Would you massage my shoulders?
- I went to bed at my usual time.

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Phụ âm /z/ (Consonant /z/)

1. Music /ˈmjuːzɪk/

2. Noise /nɔɪz/ 
3. Easy /ˈiːzi/ 
4. Example /ɪɡˈzæmpl/
5. These /ðiːz/ 

- What kind of music do you listen to?
- Don't make a noise.
- He didn't make it easy for me to leave.
- Can you give me an example of what you mean?
- What are these toys doing here? 

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Phụ âm /v/ (Consonant /v/)

1. Move /muːv/ 
2. Leave /liːv/ 

3. Visit /ˈvɪzɪt/ 
4. Various /ˈveəriəs/ 
5. Heavy /ˈhevi/ 

- I can't move my fingers.
- Some children leave school at 16.
- You should visit your dentist at least twice a year.
- There are various ways of doing this.
- He tried to push the heavy door open.


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Phụ âm /f/ ( Consonant /f/ )

1. Laugh /læf/ 

2. Fat /fæt/ 
3. Coffee /ˈkɒfi/ 
4. Feel /fiːl/ 
5. Fail /feɪl/ 

- She always makes me laugh.
- You'll get fat if you eat so much chocolate.
- If I drink too much coffee, I can't sleep.
- My eyes feel really sore.
- If you fail these exams, you can resit them next year. 

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Phụ âm /g/ (Consonant /g/)

1. Get /get/ 
2. Girl /gɜːl/ 
3. Ghost /gəʊst/ 
4. Good /gʊd/ 
5. Give /gɪv/

- Did you get a present for your mother?

- We have two girls.
- Do you believe in ghosts?
- Did you have a good time at the party? 
- Did you give the waiter a tip?

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Phụ âm /k/ (Consonant /k/)

1. Check /tʃek/ 
2. School /skuːl/ 
3. Cold /kəʊld/
4. Look /lʊk/ 
5. Milk /mɪlk/

- I just need to check my email.
- She drives the kids to school every morning.
- My feet are so cold. 
- I’ve looked everywhere, but I can’t find him
- Do you take milk in your tea?


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Phụ âm /θ/ (Consonant /θ/ )

1. Thin /θɪn/ .
2. Mouth /maʊθ/ 
3. Author /ˈɔːθə(r)/ 
4. Path /pɑːθ/ 
5. Thing /θɪŋ/ 

- Cut the vegetables into thin strips.
- Don't talk with your mouth full (= when eating).
- Who is your favourite author?
- This is the path to the cliffs.
- Can you pass me that thing over there?

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Phụ âm /ð/ (Consonant /ð/)

1. Father /ˈfɑːðə(r)/ 
2. This /ðɪs/ 
3. Those /ðəʊz/ 
4. There /ðeə(r)/ 
5. Other /ˈʌðə(r)/

- Ben's a wonderful father.
- Can you sign this form here for me?
- Can I help you with those bags?
- There are two people waiting outside.
- Are there any other questions?

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Phụ âm /dʒ/ (Consonant /dʒ/ )

1. Age /eɪdʒ/

2. Joke /dʒəʊk/ 
3. Large /lɑːdʒ/ 
4. Job /dʒɒb/ 
5. Gentle /ˈdʒentl/ 

- He left school at the age of 18.
- I can't tell jokes.
- A large house like this must be expensive to heat.
- She took a job as a waitress.
- He's very gentle with his kids. 

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