Phụ âm /j/ ( Consonant /j/)

1. Your /jɔː(r)/ 

2. Use /juːz/ 
3. Yolk /jəʊk/ 
4. Few /fjuː/ 
5. Yellow /ˈjeləʊ/ 

- The bank is on your right.
- Can I use your phone?
- Separate the yolks from the whites.
- I need a few things from the store.
- You should wear more yellow, it suits you.

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Phụ âm /w/ (Consonant /w/)

1. Walk /wɔːk/ 
2. Wine /waɪn/ 
3. Wood /wʊd/ 
4. Wet /wet/
5. When /wen/ 

- Children here walk several miles to school.
- Let's have a glass of wine with dinner.
- All the furniture was made of wood.
- You'll get wet if you go out now.
- When can I see you?

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Phụ âm /r/ ( Consonant/r/)


1. Right /raɪt/ 
2. Very /ˈveri/
3. Road /rəʊd/ 
4. Marry /ˈmæri/ 
5. Pretty /ˈprɪti/ 

- Did you get the answer right?
- I'm very very grateful.
- We live on a quiet road.
- They don't have any plans to marry at present.
- It's pretty hard to explain.

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Phụ âm /l/ Consonant/l/)

1. Tell /tel/ 

2. Life /laɪf/ 
3. Love /lʌv/ 
4. Lunch /lʌntʃ/ 
5. Late /leɪt/ 

- What did I tell you?
- I'm not sure I want to spend the rest of my life with him.
- I absolutely love chocolate.
- Why don't we have lunch together on Friday?
- It was late at night.

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Phụ âm /h/ Consonant /h/)


1. Hold /həʊld/ 
2. Hear /hɪə(r)/ 

3. How /haʊ/
4. Husband /ˈhʌzbənd/ 
5. Happen /ˈhæpən/ 

- Can you hold the bag while I open the door?
- I can't hear very well.
- How are you feeling now?
- I've never met Fiona's husband.
- Accidents like this happen all the time.
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Phụ âm /ŋ/ (Consonant /ŋ/)

1. Sing /sɪŋ/ 
2. Long /lɔːŋ/ 
3. Thing /θɪŋ/ 
4. Think /θɪŋk/ 
5. Wrong /rɒŋ/ 

- Will you sing a song to us?

- It's a long time since I worked there.
- She's very fond of sweet things.
- What did you think of the film?
- I got all the wrong answers.
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Phụ âm /n/ (Consonant /n/)

1. Nice /naɪs/ 
2. Know /nəʊ/ 

3. Nail /neɪl/ 
4. Friend /frend/ 
5. funny /ˈfʌni/ 

- Did you have a nice trip?
- Do you know his address?
- Stop biting your nails!
- He's one of my best friends.
- It's a really funny film. 

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Phụ âm /m/ (Consonant /m/)

1. Make /meɪk/ 
2. Come /kʌm/ 

3. Time /taɪm/ 
4. Tomorrow /təˈmɒrəʊ/ 
5. Summer /ˈsʌmə(r)/ 

- I want to make more money.
- She comes to work by bus.
- He wants to spend more time with his family.
- I'm off now. See you tomorrow.
- It's very hot here in summer.

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Phụ âm /s/ (Consonant /s/)

1. Price /praɪs/ 

2. Piece /piːs/ 
3. Bus /bʌs/
4. Sunday /ˈsʌndeɪ/ 
5. Sailing /ˈseɪlɪŋ/ 


How much are these? They don't have a price on them.
She wrote something on a small piece of paper.
Shall we walk or go by bus?
They go to church on Sundays.
She loves to go sailing.

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Phụ âm /ʃ/ (Consonant /ʃ/ )

1. Cash /kæʃ/ 
2. Fish /fɪʃ/ 

3. Wash /wɒʃ/ 
4. She /ʃiː/ 
5. Shoe /ʃuː/ 

- Will you pay by credit card or in cash?
- I don't like fish.
- How often do you wash your hair?
- She's so clever.
- What's your shoe size? 

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1. Cash /kæʃ/ 
2. Fish /fɪʃ/ 

3. Wash /wɒʃ/ 
4. She /ʃiː/ 
5. Shoe /ʃuː/ 

- Will you pay by credit card or in cash?
- I don't like fish.
- How often do you wash your hair?
- She's so clever.
- What's your shoe size? 

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