Movie Types

Thể Loại Phim - Movie Types
Thể Loại Phim - Movie Types
Action - Hành động
Drama -Truyền hình
Comedy - Hài
Romantic - lãng mạn
Horror - Kinh dị
Science fiction - Khoa học viễn tưởng
Suspense (Thriller) - Li kì, hồi hộp
- TUYET: - what kind of movie do you like?
(“kind of” loại bạn thích loại phim nào)
- SOAICA: -I like cartoon films the most, especially the ones made by Disney and Pixar.
-Besides, I am interested in watching American action movies and Korean drama
To be interested in + N/V-ing: quan tâm đến cái gì đó
(=enjoy, be fond of, like, indulge in, keen on)
- TUYET: -I heard Titanic is playing at the movie theatre. Do you want to go with me to watch?
-SOAICA: -No, thanks. I have watched that movie many times before.
- Have fun watching the movie. (have fun - vui vẽ )
- You may invite other friends to go with you.
(Past Participle: have + watched (REGULAR verb and ending with "ed")
NOTE: when you want to mention a thing that you do many times until now, you use the present perfect tense. my sentence above is an example for this usage)
TUYET: what about Science Fiction, I’ve heard that’s a good movie
SOAICA: Yes, I love that kind of film also.
we often use “Kind Of “ to say something general, not specific. or we do not
want to say directly.
EG: He is a kind of funny = He is quite funny “Anh ấy khá thú vị”. it is used
as an ADV so it is followed by an ADJ
All kinds of has 2 meanings:
first, kind = type = sort : Loại
secondly, all kinds of = much, plenty of
Eg: There is no need for you to leave early because you still have all kinds of time to
get there.
-That film enable me to develop my imagination about the universe and human life in
the future.
I have a special passion for a kind od mythological and fantasy films
like Harry Potter or Fairy Tales.
Tuyet : Horror movies are not scary anymore. I will recommend action movie
SOAICA: Action movies are my favorite.
Tuyet : Tôi có thể tới đón bạn không ?
Will i come and pick you up? (pick someone up - đón ai đó)
SOAICA: Mấy giờ?
What time?
Tuyet : Is 7:00 PM ok? (lên lớp FeasiBLE English kaka)
SOAICA : Được, như vậy tốt rồi. Tôi sẽ đón bạn lúc 7:00 giờ chiều.
Yes, that’ll be fine. I’ll pick you up at 7:00 PM